Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hopi Village!

The Hopi people are native to northwestern Arizona. Our project was to recreate a village with the same multistory adobe homes that a traditional Hopi family would have occupied in the past. Chalk pastels are the perfect media to reflect the earthy, hazy environment of the historical southwest!
 We first drew the architecture starting with the buildings closest to the viewer.
We made sure to include details distinctive to the culture such as the ladders that were used to gain access to the second floor of the "apartments".
We drew in the mesa using an organic, curved line, followed by the sides of the cliff. Linear perspective makes the buildings appear three-dimensional.
After some brain storming, our students added their own details 
based on the Hopi lifestyle of the past.
Using several different shades of pastel gave our cliff dimension and depth.
Some students chose to make a sunset or night time to complete the image. Our artists were very proud of their beautiful finished drawings!

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